04.10.2000 07:18:16
Для сомневающихся
Вот любопытный текст, способный пролить свет на то, наш Коштуница или нет. Ответ Воислава Коштуницы Патриарху Сербскому Павле Обращатите внимание на последний абзац, который в корявом переводе выглядит приблизительно так: Верю, что Ваше Святейшество позволит мне в ближайшие дни снова просить совета о дальнейших действиях в защиту высказанной воли граждан. Ответственность слишком тяжка для простого смертного и потому Ваш отеческий совет будет мне необходим. В Сербии, конечно, воцерковленность ничтожна, но вот кто из наших политиков способен на такое естественное отношение к Патриарху? THE INFORMATION SERVICE OF THE SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH October 3, 2000 RESPONSE OF DR. VOJISLAV KOSTUNICA In response to the message of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Dr. Vojislav Kostunica, the elected president of Yugoslavia, writes the following to His Holiness the Serbian Patriarch Kyr Pavle: Your Holiness, It is with thanks to You for receiving me so kindly two days ago, despite the lack of previous arrangements, that I would like to present to You several of my convictions with regard to the requests of the Fathers which were addressed to me and others elected in today’s appeal by the Holy Synod of Bishops. First, You can rest assured that every step I will undertake will be peaceful and, to the extent that it is within my humble power, dignified. I hope You believe me when I say that peace to me is no less important than freedom for our anguished country and our suffering people. I hope You will also believe me when I say that I will strive to act most responsibly, constantly keeping in mind the teachings of the New Testament. I believe that Your Holiness will forgive me for being so free in the coming days also to seek assistance in thinking through further measures in the defense of the electoral will of the citizens. The responsibility is truly too great for the shoulders of any common mortal and consequently, Your fatherly advice will be precious to me. Yours, V. Kostunica In Belgrade September 28, 2000