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Предлагаю прочитать. Текст на английском, увы не все документы можно найти на русском. Bishops [The following appears as Appendix III of Nikita Struve’s Christians in Contemporary Russia, Harvill Press, London 1967, pp 393-8.] LIST PROVISIONAL AND INCOMPLETE OF BISHOPS OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH, MARTYRS FOR THEIR FAITH This list includes the bishops of the Patriarchal Church and of the socalled Josephite schism7, but not those of the Renewed (Living) Church.8 The names are given in probable chronological order. 1. Vladimir Bogoyavlensky, Metropolitan of Kiev, born in 1848, assassinated 25th January 1918, not far from the Monastery of the Caves. First martyr of the Russian Church. 2. Andronic Nikolsky, Archbishop of Perm, assassinated 4th June 1918. 3. Theophanus Ilchensky, Bishop of Solikamsk, Vicar to the Archbishop of Perm named above, drowned in the Kama 11th December 1918. 4. Basil, Archbishop of Chernigov, appointed by the All-Russian Council to investigate the assassination of the bishops of Perm, was himself assassinated, together with the other members of the Investigation Commission, in the train, on the return journey. 5. Hermogen, formerly Bishop of Saratov, tried to oppose Rasputin, and was removed from his see. After the Revolution, was appointed Bishop of Tobolsk. Was arrested in April 1918 and drowned in the river Tura 16th June 1918, together with the members of the delegation of the faithful who had come to negotiate for his release. Among those martyred was Bishop Hermogen's brother. 6. Isidor Kolokov, Bishop of Mikhailov, impaled at Samara. 7. Ambrosius Gudko, Bishop of Sarapul, killed at Sviasjk in January 1918. 8. Mitroplian Krasnopolsky, Archbishop of Astrakhan, thrown down from a high wall. 9. Leontii Vimpfen, Bishop of Enotai, Vicar of the diocese of Astrakhan, martyred with many priests of his diocese. 10. Platon Kulbush, Bishop of Revel, assassinated at Iuriev 14th January 1919. 11. Tikhon, Archbishop of Voronej, hanged in a church in December 1919. 12. Joachim Levitsky, Archbishop of Nijni Novgorod, hanged in a church at Sebastopol. 13. Nicodemus Kononov, Bishop of Belgorod. 14. Macarius Gnevushev, Bishop of Viazma. 15. Laurence Kniazev, Bishop of Balakhnin, Vicar of the diocese of Nijni Novgorod. 16. Pimen, Bishop of Vierny (Alma-Ata). 17. Herman, Bishop of Kamyshin, shot as hostage at Saratov. 18. Varsanuphii Vikhvelin, Bishop of Kirillov, Vicar of the diocese of Nijni Novgorod. 19. Sylvester, Archbishop of Omsk, died in the town prison. 20. Simon Shleev, Bishop of Ufa, killed at his home 6th July 1921. 21. Nazarius, Metropolitan of Kutaissi (Church of Georgia), shot in 1924. 22. Methodius Krasnoperov, Bishop of Petropavlovsk, killed in the spring of 1922. 23. Benjamin Kazansky, Metropolitan of Petrograd, executed 12(?) August 1922. 24. Philaret, Bishop of Kostroma, died in deportation at Archangel in 1923. 25. Seraphim, Bishop of Eloturovsk, died in prison in the Perm region in 1925. 26. Ieropheus Afonik, Bishop and Vicar of the diocese of Veliky Ustiug, killed in May 1928 (Josephite schism). 27. Peter Zverev, Archbishop of Voronej, died in the Solovki Islands, 25th January 1929. 28. Hilarion Troitsky, Bishop and Vicar of the diocese of Moscow, right hand of Patriarch Tikhon, outstanding theologian, deported in 1923 to Solovki, died in a Leningrad prison 15th December 1929. 29. Sergius, Bishop of Efremovo, shot at Buzuluk in 1929. 30. Maximus Zhizhilenko, Bishop of Serpukhov, doctor, shot in Moscow in 1930 (Josephite schism). 31. Basil, Bishop of Priluky, killed in Moscow in 1930-1 (Josephite schism). 32. Seraphim Meshcheriakov, Metropolitan of Stavropol. After having been deported to Solovki, he was shot at Rostov-on-Don in 1932 together with 120 members of the lower clergy. 33. Agapit Vishnevsky, Archbishop of Ekaterinoslav, died in prison. 34. Pimen, Metropolitan of Kharkov, died in prison in Kupiansk in 1933. 35. Theodosius Vashnetzov, Bishop of Moghilev, died in Siberia in 1933. 36. Nicodemus, Archbishop of Semyretchiey, died in deportation or shot in 1933. 37. Photius Purlevsky, Bishop of Semipalatinsk, shot in 1933. 38. Platon Rudnev, Bishop of Bogorodsk, deported to Solovki, shot in 1933. 39. Alexander Belozerov, Archbishop of Podolsk, died in 1934, in the Steppe, from hunger, in Kazakhstan. 40. Philip Gumilevsky, shot in the prison of Krasnoiarsk in 1934 (Josephite schism). 41. Arsen Zhadanovsky, Archbishop of Serpukhov, shot 30th June 1935. 42. Daniel Troitsky, died in Briansk prison in 1935 (brother of Bishop Hilarion, cf No. 28). 43. Hermann Riashentzev, martyred in deportation at Ust-Sysolsk in 1935. 44. Serapion, martyred in deportation at Ust-Sysolsk in 1935. 45. Theodore Pozdeyev, formerly Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, martyred in deportation at Ust-Sysolsk in 1935. 46. Damascinus Tzedrik, Bishop of Glukhov, died in deportation in 1936 (Josephite schism). 47. Bartholomew Remov, Bishop and Vicar of the diocese of Moscow, shot 26th June 1936, for having directed a clandestine theological school in Moscow. 48. Peter Poliansky, Metropolitan of Krutitsy, locum tenens of the Patriarch, died in deportation in December 1936. 49. Constantine Diakov, member of the temporary Patriarchal Synod, Archbishop of Kharkov from 1923 to 1935, Metropolitan of Kiev and last Exarch of the Ukraine before the war, shot in October 1937. 50. Parthenus, Bishop of Ananiev, martyred in 1937. 51. Maximus, Bishop of Polon, shot in Jitomir in 1937. 52. Macarius, Bishop of Uman, shot in Jitomir in 1937. 53. George Deliev, Bishop of Ekaterinoslav, shot in Jitomir in 1937. 54. Philaret Lintchevsky, Bishop of Jitomir, shot in Jitomir in 1937. 55. Leo Cherepanov, shot in 1937. 56. Procopius Titov, Bishop of Kherson, shot in Jitomir in 1937. 57. Juvenal Maslovsky, Archbishop of Kursk, then of Riazan, shot in Jitomir in 1937. 58. Gleb Pokrovsky, Archbishop of Perm, shot in Jitomir in 1937. 59. Ignatius Sadkovsky, Bishop of Belev, shot in Jitomir in 1937. 60. Mitrophan Grinev, Bishop of Aksai, shot in Jitomir in 1937. 61. Paul Vvedensky, Bishop of Melekess, shot in Jitomir in 1937. 62. Seraphim Protopopov, Archbishop of Baku, shot in Jitomir in 1937. 63. Sophronius Arefeev, Bishop of Yakutia, shot in Jitomir in 1937. 64. Cyprian Soloviev, Bishop of Semipalatinsk, then of Viatka, shot in Jitomir in 1937. The last nine bishops in this list had been deported to the Solovki Islands as early as 1923. 65. Pachomius Kedrov, Bishop of Chernigov, shot in 1937. 66. Avercius Kedrov, brother of the above, Bishop of Zhitomir, shot in 1937. 67. Amphilocius, Vicar of the Yenissey region (Josephite schism), shot in 1937. 68. Stephen Zismerovsky, Archbishop of Vologda, shot in 1937. 69. Gurii Stepanov, Archbishop of Alatyr, imprisoned since 1918, shot in 1937. 70. Seraphim Alexandrov, Archbishop of Tver, member of the temporary Patriarchal Synod, shot in 1937. 71. Nicholas Dobronravov, Archbishop, shot in 1937. 72. Innocent Nikiforov, Archbishop of Klin, then of Orel, shot in 1937. 73. Theophanus Elansky, Vicar of the diocese of Nijni-Novgorod, shot in 1937. 74. Ambrosius Libinsky, Vicar of the diocese of Petrograd, shot in 1937. 75. Alexis Bui (Josephite schism), shot in 1937. 76. Raphael (Gumilev?), shot in 1937. 77. Tikhon Sharapov, shot in 1937. 78. Taras Khorov, shot in 1937. 79. Job (Rogozhin?), shot in 1937. 80. Anthony, shot in 1937. 81. Josaphat, shot in 1937. 82. Thaddeus, Archbishop of Kalinin, died in prison in 1937. 83. Anatole Grisiuk, Metropolitan of Odessa, member of the temporary Patriarchal Synod, arrested for the second time 27th July 1936, died in deportation in the Far North 10th February 1938. In 1941, many thousands of believers gathered for a service celebrated in his memory in Odessa. 84. Boris Shipulin, Bishop of Kamenets-Podolsk, shot in 1938. 85. Benedict Plotnikov, Bishop of Kronstadt, condemned to death in 1922 and reprieved, appointed to the see of Novgorod in 1935 and to that of Kazan in 1936, shot in 1938. 86. Joseph Petrovykh, Metropolitan of Leningrad, head of the opposition group of the Right, shot in 1938. 87. Dimitry Liubimov, Archbishop of Gdovsk (Josephite schism). 88. Pitirim Krylov, Archbishop of Dimitrov, shot in 1938. 89. Nikon Purlevsky, Bishop of Belgorod, brother of Bishop Photius, (cf No. 37), shot in 1938. 90. Nikon Lebedev, shot in 1938. 91. Hilarion Belsky, Vicar of the diocese of Smolensk (Josephite schism), shot in 1938. 92. Alexander Petrovsky, Archbishop of Kharkov, died in prison in 1939. 93. Methodius, Archbishop of the Far East, then of Piatigorsk, shot in 1939. 94. Eutychius, shot in 1939. 95. Eugene Zernov, Archbishop of the Amur region, deported to the Solovki Islands, then appointed to the see of Kotelnikovo and then that of Nijni-Novgorod, arrested in 1937 and disappeared. 96. Theophilus Bogoiavlensky, Archbishop of Kuban, disappeared in about 1932. 97. Nicholas, Bishop and Vicar of the diocese of Tsaritsyn, arrested in 1933. Disappeared. 98. Paul Kratirov, Bishop of Novo-Moskva, arrested circa 1935. Disappeared. 99. Paulinus Kroshechkin, Bishop of Rilsk, arrested in 1927. Disappeared. 100. Seraphim, Archbishop of Smolensk, arrested in 1936. Disappeared. 101. Peter Shibkov, Archbishop of Samara, arrested in 1937. Disappeared. 102. Arkadii Ostalsky, Vicar of the diocese of Poltava, disappeared in 1937. 103. Cyril Smirnov, Metropolitan of Kazan, died in deportation circa 1938 (member of opposition group). 104. Josaphat Udalov, Bishop of Chistopol, arrested for the last time in 1937. Disappeared. (Josephite schism.) 105. Seraphim Samoilovitch, Archbishop of Uglitch, died in deportation circa 1935. (Josephite schism.) 106. Victor Ostrogradsky, Bishop of Glasov, disappeared circa 1933. (Josephite schism.) 107. Onuphrius Gagaliuk, Bishop of Kursk, disappeared in 1938. 108. Nicodemus Krotkov, Bishop of Simferopol, arrested for the last time in 1936 and deported to Kadalachka where he probably died. 109. Theodosius, Bishop of Poltava, arrested in 1938. Disappeared. 110. John Bulin, Bishop of Pechory, arrested in 1941. Disappeared. 111. Damascinus Maliuta, Bishop of Kamenets-Podolsk, arrested in 1944. Disappeared. 112. Seraphim Kushneruk, Bishop of Kherson, arrested in 1944, disappeared. 113. Pancratius, Bishop of Kursk, disappeared. 114. Anthony Martsenko, Archbishop of Tula, arrested in 1949, disappeared. There is no information available, however, about the fate of the following bishops: 115. Chrysogonius Ivanovsky, consecrated Bishop of Iuriev in 1930. 116. Sergius Vasiliev, consecrated Bishop of Demian in 1932. 117. Joanicius Popov, consecrated Bishop of Kamyshn in 1932. 118. Alexander Toropov, consecrated Bishop of Kinechma in 1932. 119. Viacheslav, consecrated Bishop of Novgorod-Volynsk in 1932. 120. Benjamin Ivanov, consecrated Bishop of Stavropol in 1933. 121. Theodosius Kirik, consecrated Bishop of Nikolaev in 1933. 122. John Shirokov, Bishop of Volokolamsk. 123. Onisim, Bishop of Tula. 124. Vassian Piatnitsky, Bishop of Tambov. 125. Nicetas, Bishop of Borovichi. 126. Alexander Shchukin, Archbishop of Orel. 127. Nicholas Pokrovsky, Bishop of Polotsk-Vitebsk. 128. Dimitri Dobroserdov, Bishop of Kostroma. 129. Vassian Veretennikov, of Satkinsk. 130. Uarius, Bishop of Lipetsk. Etc. [Return to Contents] Priests, Deacons, Nuns and Monks In 1922 alone, 2,691 secular priests, 1,962 monks and 3,447 nuns were liquidated source: Nikita Struve’s Christians in Contemporary Russia, Harvill Press, London 1967, p 38. >